Meet Morgan! I am so jealous of her beautiful hair and the color is completely natural. She is actually a junior but will be graduating a year early, her parents must be so proud! Though I wonder if it will be harder sending her off to collage a whole year earlier? Either way, a congratulations to Morgan on all her hard work!
A sneak peek from Willy's outdoor session. Had a great time getting to explore 1000 Island's Nature Center for this session, even got to play around in the water for a bit. I have been shooting in so many different locations this year which I love. Lots of hiking around and checking out new areas. My only complaint....the mosquitoes!
Meet the beautiful Kayla! Don't let her adorable wardrobe fool you, she is quite the fisherman...fisherwoman? I spent many years out on the lake fishing with my grandpa but unlike Kayla, I have yet to bait my own worm :-)
Yes, sadly I am just now blogging about this June wedding but summers just get so crazy. The couple has had their proofs for several weeks now I am just behind on sharing it with the rest of the world. They really lucked out with a sunny day and no rain which seems hard to imagine lately. Part of why I am behind is I have gotten better at posting images of facebook instead. You can find my facebook page here Congratulation to Eric & Nicole!
Meet Sarah! Such a tiny girl with lots of smiles (yes, I know it is really only gas but I can pretend). She has got daddy all wrapped around her finger already, he is in trouble!
Meet Ethan! This little one has the best grumpy old man faces. I photographed his parent's wedding last May so it was nice to have them come back and show off their newest family member.