In all the busy of last month I completely forgot to blog this fun couple (for those of your wondering why there is so much snow in the pictures). Congrats to Jesse & Tara on your upcoming wedding!
Beautiful March wedding and thankfully the wintery mix that was predicted never made it to Appleton. The bride had a gorgeous piece in her hair, not sure what it would be called but unlike any tiara/headband I have ever seen. She carried a colorful bouquet of tulips which seeing makes me smile at the thought of spring! Last year I remember blogging about it snowing in April...praying I will not be doing the same this year! Congratulations Craig & Susan! Your friends and family were a joy to work with!
Another adorable little newborn. Baby Benjamin has the cutest chubby cheeks for how tiny he seems....I am sure his mom is laughing at these comments about a little baby since his brother was so much smaller!
Things are finally starting to mellow out and I am going to get caught up on my recent work, including a beautiful wedding so check back soon! In the meantime you can enjoy this photo from my trip to was hard to leave.